
Consecutive interpreting between English and Dutch

Do you have an important upcoming meeting and do you want to make sure to get your message across and to understand the other party? In that case I'm happy to provide you with my services as an consecutive interpreter of English and Dutch.

Consecutive means that I only start talking once one of the participants of the conversation has finished speaking. This type of interpreting is well-suited for meetings between two or three people.

Because of my teaching experience I'm good at adapting to parent-teacher meetings for example or meetings that children are attending as well.

Examples of past interpreting assignments that are among my favourite:

  • meetings at the speech therapist, speech and language screenings of multilingual children
  • parent-teacher meetings
  • meeting at the daycare
  • conversations between a construction company and their client regarding the interior design of a house
  • Dutch civic integration courses (MAP, PVT)
  • within the hospital departments of medical psychology and dietetics

As I live in Leusden, the Netherlands, I often work on site within the province of Utrecht. However, my assignments have also brought me to other places such as Amsterdam and Apeldoorn. Depending on your needs I could also interpret over the phone.


Please note! At the moment, I'm NOT a certified interpreter. I've followed professional training and I'm still upskilling. Certified interpreters are needed in criminal cases, police investigations and when executing (signing) notarial deeds at the notary's office. I'd be happy to direct you to a colleague. For other types of interpreting, at a conference for example, I'd also be happy to direct you to a colleague for the time being.

Bridget van de Grootevheen

Questions about interpreting

Consecutive means that I only start speaking once one of the participants in the meeting has finished speaking. This type of interpreting is well-suited for meetings between two or three people. While you or your conversation partner is speaking, I sometimes take notes that I use for reference.

Interpreting relates to the translation of spoken language like conversations or monologues while translation is always about a written text.

I interpret everything literally as you have said it. Being an interpreter also means I'm impartial, independent and have a duty of confidentiality. I subscribe to the code of ethics for interpreters and translators in the Netherlands.

Certified interpreters are needed in criminal cases, police investigations and when executing (signing) notarial deeds at the notary's office. As I'm not certified at the moment I'd be happy to direct you to a colleague, even if it is for another language pair than English-Dutch.

Why work with Bridget?

I'm a sensitive person which benefits my work as an interpreter as I'm good at sensing people's mood. People often say I give off a feeling of calmness or serenity. This makes them feel at ease during their meeting.

As I have worked as teacher, meetings regarding or conversations about educational topics are my strong suit. When children are involved, I'm also often able to make them feel at ease. My area of expertise has been the social domain as I started interpreting in November 2023 and have been working with Dutch municipalities, primary schools, psychologists and provided my services at Dutch civic integration courses.

I only interpret consecutively

Qualified English teacher

Afgestemd op wat je nodig hebt

Tolk Engels uit Leusden


Universiteit Utrecht
Wismon bèta, wetenschap en techniek
Rozenkwekerij Porta Nova
Noordhoff Uitgevers